
Welcome to Birnbeck Housing Association

Welcome to Birnbeck Housing Association

As one of a few smaller associations, Birnbeck are at the forefront of providing innovative schemes to help people in need of housing and support with the attention to detail that a smaller organisation can offer.

We are proud that despite being a small housing association, we are committed to developing more specialist homes for older people, people with mental health issues, adults on the autistic spectrum and family accommodation. This is because we recognise the need for more specialist accommodation and are devoted to providing the homes and support that people require.

Our Board is particularly proud of the excellent relationships we have built with our tenants, which are reflected in our high tenant satisfaction levels. We also have excellent relationships with our partner organisations which we continue to extend and strengthen to meet the needs of our tenants.

We recognise that for many people there is not the appropriate local housing and support available to them. Birnbeck intends to make the difference, turning need into provision for individuals and families across the country.

Partnerships with other agencies

For many years we have been working with local authorities, social services and specialist voluntary organisations across the country.

Finance and development

We have an in house development team and a wide range of specialist consultants who deal with all of our schemes. Cyclical maintenance,…

Geographical diversity

The association retains developments in a variety of locations giving a high quality of service regardless of area. There are no additional…

Tenant Engagement

The association is committed to the highest possible level of tenant engagement including regular meetings, consultations and updates on all relevant issues.

Our Mission Statement

For far too long people with autism and Asperger Syndrome or mental health related problems have not had appropriate local housing and support. Birnbeck intends to make the difference, turning need into provision.

And Our Objectives…

We intend to :

  • Extend provision for special needs groups, especially those with autism, Asperger Syndrome, mobility and mental health problems.
  • Complete our stock regeneration and service enhancement programme.
  • Further improve and enhance our tenant participation and welfare initiatives.

Birnbeck Housing Association Developments

Birnbeck began as a provider of affordable accommodation for those in general housing and social need. In recent years we have responded to meet the specific requirements of those with special needs in an appropriate and cost effective way.

For future developments, Birnbeck is now dedicated primarily to addressing the needs of those with mental health problems, autism and Asperger Syndrome.